Germany: federal decriminalization of possession of up to six grams of marijuana coming soon?


Germany: federal decriminalization of possession of up to six grams of marijuana coming soon?

Federal decriminalization of possession of up to six grams of cannabis for personal consumption - that's the latest proposal from Germany's drug commissioner. At the moment, policy toward cannabis is very different in Germany. At the moment, the situation is such that citizens of the northern states do not have to fear the legal consequences of possessing a few grams of weed for personal consumption, while in southern Germany the law on the matter is much stricter and reminiscent of that in our country. The attitude of citizens is also different, being far more liberal in the north.

Federal decriminalization of possession of up to six grams of marijuana

Such an idea recently came from German Drug Commissioner Daniela Ludwig (CSU party).

In my opinion, the limit of possession of six grams throughout the country is acceptable.

- announced the government drug representative.

The limit, above which possession of cannabis should still be treated as a criminal offense and not as an administrative offense, must be set with caution, as it has a certain signaling effect and influences consumer behavior

-Commissioner Ludwig added

A law legalizing cannabis for adult citizens that was attempted last year failed to pass. Now Daniela Ludwig is proposing to decriminalize the possession of a small amount of cannabis for personal use, as a way of a drug.

However, German cannabis activists emphasize that nowadays cannabis is not only dried but also derived products such as extracts or foods with THC and other cannabinoids. A change in the law should therefore take these items into account as well, and conversion rates of dried to extract, for example, should be established.

After Germany's resistance to the diametric liberalization of cannabis laws, one gets the impression that our Western neighbors are nevertheless taking a course toward completely freeing cannabis from the yoke of criminalization. The leading candidate for the new German chancellor has added to his program the legalization of cannabis production and marketing for adult citizens. He announced that changes are necessary and that they should start precisely with the decriminalization of possession for personal use, which should take effect as soon as possible throughout the country, according to him. You can read an article on this topic at T U T A J.