A new brand with a much-talked-about name - LGBT+CBD - has appeared on the Polish hemp market. The online storefront stands out visually from the competition, the assortment includes, for example, hemp lollipops in rainbow colors or pre-rolls with the telling name ***** ***. The idea is certainly a bit controversial so it's sure to be talked about. Will cannabis with a socio-political admixture catch on? What guided the originators of the brand? Here's more information.
LGBT+CBD or cannabis with socio-political overtones
When I first learned a few days ago about the emergence of a new hemp brand in our backyard, the name of which says it all, my reaction was of the "gee, good idea, why hasn't anyone come up with this before" category. The idea seems to be good primarily from a marketing point of view. On the other hand, people like to choose products with which they identify in some way, through which they can express their world view or attitude to certain issues. As long as the quality of the products is at the right level (we haven't had a chance to test it yet), the idea may turn out to be a hit. Of course, some consumers will not even consider buying it because of just such socio-political overtones.
During my conversation with one of the brand's creators, a statement was made on his part that there are relatively few products aimed at people who want to express their affiliation or support for the LGBT community, you mostly see bags, hence the decision to create LGBT+CBD.
"The market for cannabis products is boring. We decided to change that," he said. LGBT+CBD is a project that was born out of a passion for hemp and the need to lend support to the LGBT community, which is still unfortunately discriminated against in the current political and social situation in Poland. LGBT+CBD products are tools to bolster their self-acceptance and show people who feel excluded that they are not alone - that someone is thinking about them. By weaving the use of our products into your daily routine, you can provide yourself with a bit of pleasure and at least for a moment a break from gray reality. Many people under the LGBT umbrella suffer from depressive, anxious states. Many of them are stressed about coming-out (i.e. revealing their psycho-sexual orientation or gender identity) and how this information will be received by their loved ones. Hence the idea to create a brand of products aimed at them. While creating this project, we noticed that on the market, apart from rainbow bags, there are no products for LGBT people, as well as people who support living in harmony with themselves. The rainbow is a universal symbol of freedom and breaking the established patterns of society. The LGBT+CBD brand is not a typical cannabis company, it is a fusion of the world of the LGBT community and the cannabis one. We are a lifestyle brand, not exclusively a hemp brand. In the near future, we plan to expand our offerings to include clothing as well. Charity work for LGBT people is also an important part of our mission. We inform about what is currently going on at our place on our Instagram @lgbt_cbd."
-one of the founders of LGBT+CBD told us
Several entrepreneurs in Poland have already thought about launching a cannabis brand aimed at the LGBT community, but so far, for various reasons, none has decided to implement such a project. Until now.
Will the new brand take off? Time will tell, for us the most important thing is always the quality of the products, through which we also sometimes like to express ourselves or our views.