Australia to legalize marijuana later this year?


Australia to legalize marijuana later this year?

Will Australia legalize marijuana later this year? On Tuesday, Senator David Shoebridge, who represents the Greens party, announced that his group has obtained legal analysis that says it is possible to remove the removal of laws preventing the legalization of marijuana nationwide. Here is more information.

Australia to legalize marijuana later this year?

In Australia, which consists of 16 states/jurisdictions, we will legally smoke marijuana in only one of them. The Australian Capital Territory (ACT) is the only jurisdiction in Australia to loosen cannabis laws. The new law has removed penalties for possession as well as cultivation for personal consumption. The ACT includes the city of Canberra, Australia's capital. We have written more on this subject in T U T A J.

Until now, it was thought that such legislation could not be introduced top-down across the country. That has now changed.

We can legalize!

Legal advice obtained by my office indicates that the Greens can pass a law to legalize cannabis on a national level.
All state laws criminalizing their legal use, possession and sale could be invalidated. We could legalize cannabis nationwide this year!

-informed Senator David Shoebridge on his Twitter account

The senator also added that "40% of Australians have used cannabis, but it is the most vulnerable who are being dragged through the criminal justice system. In fact, the 2019 National Drug Strategy household survey found that 60% of Sydney residents want cannabis legalization."

Another post reads, "If you're an adult and want to relax with cannabis, you should be able to do so without fear of police intervention - without worrying about whether you might end up in jail for smoking a joint with friends."

David Shoebridge has announced the presentation of a bill legalizing marijuana later this year.

If that happens, it will be the first continent with legal marijuana.