Germany legalizes marijuana!


Germany legalizes marijuana!

Germany legalizes marijuana for recreational use! Soon every citizen of legal age will be able to legally purchase dried cannabis , the distribution of which will take place in licensed stores. This is the implementation of election promises, which you could read about on our portal a few months ago. Will such a change in the law in our western neighbors affect the perception of our government on this topic? Here is more information.

Germany legalizes marijuana

The legalization of marijuana is a topic that during the recent election campaign, comes up l relatively often. The candidate to succeed Angela Merkel, Olaf Scholz, added to his election program the legalization of recreational marijuana marketing for adult German citizens, we wrote T U T A J.

Yesterday, Germany's Der Spiegel reported that Party Leaders of Germany's new government coalition have reached an agreement to legalize recreational marijuana at the federal level ( nationwide).

Most likely, the new law will be passed and introduced during the upcoming session of the Bundestag (Germany's Parliament). The new law will also focus on reducing drug-related harms, as well as restricting the advertising of tobacco and alcohol and soon to be legal cannabis.

The ruling coalition-consisting of the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD), the Free Democratic Party (FDP) and the Greens-said it would "introduce controlled distribution of cannabis to adults for recreational purposes in licensed stores."

After the new law has been in effect for four years, it will be audited and evaluated.

Both the SPD, the Greens and the FDP say the proposed changes are not dictated by financial benefits to the treasury, but by harm reduction policies and a desire to eradicate the black market. The new law is intended to provide better protection for young people.

But the economic impact will of course be as well - and positive. Germany predicts that a legal recreational marijuana market would represent nearly 30,000 new jobs and some €1.5 billion a year.

The proposals, agreed to by the coalition's Health and Welfare Working Group, include provisions to promote harm reduction, through projects such as a service available to everyone to check the quality of substances in their possession for contaminants and unwanted admixtures.

Politicians from Germany's leading political groups have been talking about legalization since 2017, culminating in a proposal for legalization.

We do not yet know the details on issues such as subsistence cultivation or possession limits (if they will be introduced but it depends to assume that they will be).

While congratulating our western neighbors on this decision, it is natural to pop into one's head the thought that this is, after all, our immediate neighbor and whether this will affect our government's perception of marijuana. Unfortunately, for the time being, this is not necessarily the case. The current government doesn't have much love for Western European countries - which is no small matter in this regard.

However, it will certainly be easier to discuss the issue with the camp of power and show the advantage of legalization over prohibition by giving as an example not distant Canada or the USA, but our closest neighbors, to which thousands of Poles travel every day.

Since Germany legalizes cannabis for recreational purposes, it means that the time of the European cannabis revolution has arrived!