Legal cannabis is that which does not have hallucinogenic properties (contains less than 0.2% cannabinoids). The difference between them and those used to produce drugs is invisible at first glance.
Seed hemp is slightly lower, and its leaves consist of 3-7 sections (in the case of cannabis there are more). That's probably why all types of hemp are subject to numerous legal restrictions, which does not encourage their cultivation. Growers have to keep detailed records and account for seed and yields, which is quite burdensome.
At present, only 600 hectares in Poland are sown with hemp seed, although the crop is uncomplicated, resistant to climate and soil conditions and pests, and does not require the use of chemical agents. And it is a really useful plant.
Hemp has very valuable seeds, containing a lot of protein and healthy fatty acids (Omega 3,6 and 9), vitamins (B and E), many minerals.
Hempoil, formerly used as a fasting food, can be used in salads and salads or as an addition to cereals, cottage cheese, or potatoes. However, it is not suitable for frying.
Hemp straw is an excellent ecological thermal insulation material, readily used on construction sites in Germany.
In addition, the textile industry uses hemp to make anti-allergenic baby clothes.
Thehealth properties of hemp are the reason for its use as an ingredient in medicines and cosmetics: it has properties useful in the prevention of heart, joint and immune system diseases; it has a beneficial effect on brain function, eyesight and skin.