Confederation MP Konrad Berkowicz, with a joint in his hand, gave a short speech in the parliament on the need to legalize marijuana. He said that the state treats adult citizens like children who are unaware of the dangers and need to be told what they can and cannot do. Here are more details.
Konrad Berkowicz with a joint from the parliamentary rostrum: The state treats adult citizens like children
We live in a state that treats adult people as children and as criminals. For example, an adult for possessing something like this(here the MP pulled out a joint), is punishable by up to three years in prison. I don't know if you know, but under Polish law, an adult who gets a minor drunk faces a two-year prison sentence. On the other hand, if someone independently and on his own responsibility lights a joint - he faces three years in prison. This is a scandal, this is totalitarianism.
-said MP Konrad Berkowicz from the parliamentary rostrum. Here is a video transcript of the speech: